Tag Archive | Pamela Robinson-Thompson

Coming Soon to YouTube: Pam’s Pups, Places & Paints!: Pamela Robinson-Thompson

I’ve known Pamela Robinson-Thompson my entire life, literally! We were neighbors in our hometown of Mansfield Center, Connecticut, and she grew up as kind of another sister. Living now in Texas, we keep in touch on-line, and I am a great admirer of her art and her seemingly always positive attitude about…well, just about anything!

Pam has just announced that she will be starting a YouTube channel, Pam’s Pups, Places & Paints, documenting her RV adventures, her sweet pups, and her artwork. Personally, I cannot wait to tune in an see where Pam’s adventures lead, and to be inspired by her creativity!

I’ll post the link once it’s up and running. Pam asks that everyone send her positive vibes as she sets off on this new adventure!

Meantime, you can visit Pam’s Facebook page at: pamela.robinsonthompson ❤️