Freelance writer and friend, Tara Lynne Groth, and I often exchange creative ideas…we always seem to be planning something! So when she suggested I read Jennifer Locke’s blog and that I connect with Jennifer, I looked into her work. Jennifer and I have started a creativity dialogue, and I have, of course, asked her the question…
What ignites your creativity?
“I’m a writer, so I’m a reader first. Reading exceptional books never fails to inspire me and encourage me to get to the page. However, I’m inspired by anyone excelling in any creative endeavor–music, visual art, drama, etc. In general, people living creative lives give me hope. I love seeing people who’ve said “no” to the “rules” society has laid out and are choosing to march to the beat of their own drums.
“When I need to get in touch with my own creativity, journaling is a big help. I’m a big fan of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, especially the morning pages. I enjoy listening to inspirational podcasts. A long walk can give me time to mull over a particular plot problem or other story element. Baking pies can get me out of my head (and provide a sweet reward for my labor!). Sometimes it’s a matter of clearing figurative “space” for the words to come; lighting a candle, playing stimulating music, tuning out distractions so that I can be in the flow of words. When that happens, it’s a true gift.”
Jennifer Locke is a freelance writer and blogger for hire, as well as a YA author. She specializes in health, parenting, and the craft of writing. Jennifer writes articles, blog posts, and site content. When not writing, she’s usually wrangling her toddler twin daughters or nose-deep in a great book. Follow her on Twitter @jamlo525 and visit her website, .